Welcome to the Global Entrepreneurship Week 2024 call for events page.
This Entrepreneurship Week, which runs from November 18 to 21, is organized by HEC Espace Entreprise in collaboration with the "HUB Entrepreneuriat et Innovation de l'UNIL".
It takes place mainly at the Vortex and at the Villanova.

A team of 5 students, passionate about entrepreneurship, has been preparing this week since June 2024:
- Gauthier HOTZ : Head of the Entrepreneurship Department and the GEW
- Philippe WENIGER : HEE Relations and Guest Management
- Kenza TOURÉ : Association Relations
- Ludovic BÉTEMPS : Association Relations
- Mathilde CRITTIN : Head of Logistics
For any questions, please contact us at the following address : gew@unil.ch
This year, the GEW will take place over four days :
- Monday 18 November : the HUB Entrepreneurship and Innovation invites you to the launch party of the GEW 2024 on the theme: "The new nature of entrepreneurship"
- Tuesday 19 November : this second day will address the theme of sustainable entrepreneurship
- Wednesday 20 November : during this day, the topics will include technology, innovation and finance
- Thursday 21 November : this last day will consist mainly of practical and concrete workshops
The great novelty of this 5th edition is that you can submit an a request to organize your own event. You can come to the UNIL campus and give your own conference, workshop, round table or any other type of event related to entrepreneurship and innovation.
Interested in the adventure? Please fill out the form below. We will respond to your request as soon as possible.
The call for events is now closed, please contact the GEW team at gew@unil.ch to take part in the 7th edition in 2025.