Global Entrepreneurship Week 2024 programme

Monday 18th November

Testimony of Tomas Sluka, CEO and co-founder of CREAL

Format : Testimony

Organisers : Venturelab

Language : English

Financing Technology & Innovation

Venture Briefings are a series of events for students who want to discover the path of entrepreneurship and take their first steps in creating a successful startup.
Tomas Sluka, CEO of CREAL, will be sharing his experience and answering your questions: We are glad to welcome to our event Tomas, co-founder of CREAL, an innovative Swiss startup that develops light-field display technology for more in-depth Augmented Reality (AR) visual experiences. With a scientific background from CERN and EPFL, Tomas dived into entrepreneurship to transform AR by making its visuals more comfortable and eye friendly.
Tomas played a core role in the startup creation, by shaping its vision, making the first prototypes, filing essential patents, and securing investments : he led CREAL to raise multiple rounds of funding, adding up to a total of more than 22million CHF.
Tomas will share his experience and will also take time to answer your questions during a Q&A session:
      • How can I become an entrepreneur?
      • How can I validate my idea ?
      • How can I finance my startup ?
      • How can I find help to bring my idea to life ?
We will also introduce you to different support programs:
      • Venture Kick (up to 150k pre-seed capital for business development)
      • InnoBooster (up to 150k grant to accelerate market entry)
      • First Ventures (financial support and tailored coaching program for University of Applied Science students)

Registration closed

Tomas Sluka CEO and co-founder of CREAL
Monday 12:00 - 13:15
13:15 - 13:45
Vortex, Le Nucleo

The New Nature of Entrepreneurship

Format : Round table

Organisers : HUB Entrepreneuriat et Innovation UNIL

Language : English

Durability Social & Personal

To mark the opening of the GEW at UNIL, you are invited to an evening on the theme of ‘The New Nature of Entrepreneurship’. We will be discussing the key role and challenges of entrepreneurship in social, environmental and economic transition. This evening also marks the 5th anniversary of the UNIL HUB!
Our keynote speaker André Hoffmann will share insights from his new book ‘The New Nature of Business’. This introduction will be followed by a round-table discussion with Aurelien Demaurex, an entrepreneur from UNIL, Adam Said, an investor, and Eva Lüthi, an Innosuisse personality. They will help us to understand the challenges faced by the new generation of impact entrepreneurs.

Registration closed,
event full

André Hoffmann Vice-Chairman of the Board of Directors, Roche Holding Ltd
Eva Lüthi Head of Entrepreneurship at Innosuisse
Adam Said Board Chair, ACE & Company
Aurelien Demaurex Co-founder of Ecorobotix & Board Member of Innovaud
Monday 18:00 - 19:30
19:30 - 20:30
Vortex, Le Nucleo

Tuesday 19th November

Dealing with uncertainty when innovating in the world of healthcare

Format : Round table

Organisers : H4

Language : French

Technology & Innovation Social & Personal

Health is important, we often think about it, as potential patients, as citizens affected by preventive health messages, or as payers of high insurance premiums! There are also entrepreneurs who think about it seriously and seek to address the many challenges facing the healthcare system, such as caring for an ageing population, chronic patients, costs, the shortage of carers, etc.
But innovating in a system that is so complex, fragmented in Switzerland, politicised, with so many stakeholders, where users, prescribers, payers and decision-makers are many and varied, and where time-to-market is very long, is a truly daring undertaking. Being an entrepreneur in this context requires, more than anywhere else, agility as well as patience, flexibility as well as tenacity.
So how do you hold out, pivot and move forward? This event will take you through the eyes of H4, the Vaud Hub for Collaborative Innovation in Healthcare, attached to the La Source Institute and Haute École de Santé, and enrich it with the real-life experiences of entrepreneurs. They'll try to scare you a little and reassure you that it's possible!

Registration closed

Dagaeff Thierry Innovation project manager at H4
Matthieu Le Cauchois Ex-CEO of Typeless
Luca Stucki Projet Cerentix, CBO
Mathieu Menet CEO of Diabète, Même Pas Peur !
Tuesday 10:00 - 11:15
11:15 - 11:45
Vortex, Le Nucleo

Adapting to climate change: a business necessity?

Format : Conference

Organisers : Zero Emission Group

Language : French

Durability Technology & Innovation

What role can entrepreneurship play in a society affected by climate change? In recent weeks, we have all witnessed the exceptional flooding that has affected the whole of Europe. We have seen just how vulnerable we are to climate change. During this conference, we will look at the role that entrepreneurship could play in this crisis.

Registration closed

Arthur Simon Co-Chairman of Zero Emission Group
Tuesday 12:15 - 13:30
13:30 - 14:00
Vortex, Le Nucleo

Entrepreneurship for Tomorrow: Equality of Opportunity at the Heart of Innovation

Format : Conference

Organisers : AIESEC in Lausanne

Language : English

Durability Social & Personal

We are delighted to welcome Gabriela Alvarez, a visionary entrepreneur committed to sustainability and equal opportunities. Co-founder of No Name Chocolate, Plant T Reforestation and Colcocoa, Gabriela is at the forefront of several initiatives aimed at combining entrepreneurial innovation with a positive impact on society and the environment.
Her talk will address the challenges and opportunities for today's entrepreneurs, with a particular focus on how equal opportunities can become a strategic lever for innovation and sustainable success. Drawing on her experience as a professor and consultant in sustainable strategy, Gabriela will share unique perspectives on the role of entrepreneurship in creating a more equitable and sustainable future.
Don't miss this opportunity to hear from an expert on sustainability and discover how social commitment can be at the heart of tomorrow's entrepreneurial projects.

Registration closed

Gabriela Alvarez Co-Founder of No Name Chocolate, Plant T Reforestation, Colcocoa
Tuesday 14:00 - 15:15
15:15 - 15:45
Vortex, Le Nucleo

How do you pitch your project/startup?

Format : Masterclass

Organisers : GENILEM

Language : French

Social & Personal

Become unforgettable ! Learn how to capture your audience's attention with our pitch techniques.
In an over-solicited world, it's often difficult to captivate your audience, especially when the stakes are high.
Coco Chanel once said: ‘You don't get two chances to make a good first impression’.
Words are not enough, and the art of the pitch has to be learned and practised. You're not born a good pitcher, you become one through practice, hard work and advice.
We'll be drawing on our experience of several hundred work sessions a year and our best practice in the art of public speaking, to develop your soft skills and put your know-how to best use.
During this workshop, we will work on your project by putting our tips and tricks into practice through pitches of varying lengths. !

Registration closed

Loeb Gabrielle Business coach at GENILEM
Tuesday 14:00 - 15:15
15:15 - 15:45

Reinventing healthcare: Innovating to restore neurological function

Format : Conference

Organisers : Association des Etudiantes en Médecine de Lausanne (AEML)

Language : French

Technology & Innovation Social & Personal

Regaining mobility after spinal cord injury: dream or reality? Head of the Clinical Division at, Dr Léonie Asboth will reveal some fascinating innovations that are paving the way towards this reality. She will present revolutionary techniques that enable paralysed people to regain control of their movements. You will discover how targeted stimulation helps to reactivate the spinal cord, enabling people to walk again even after serious injury (brain-spine interface). In addition, you will understand how brain signals can facilitate limb movement, improving walking and balance in people with Parkinson's disease.
Don't miss this opportunity to learn more about these innovative neurotechnologies that are changing patients' lives, and to discuss these exciting advances!

Registration closed

Dre Léonie Asboth Head of the Clinical Division at NeuroRestore
Tuesday 15:45 - 17:00
17:00 - 17:30
Vortex, Le Nucleo

Take up the challenges of ecological and social transition and societal innovation as an entrepreneur

Format : Round table

Organisers : APRÈS-VD - Chambre de l'économie sociale et solidaire vaudoise

Language : French

Durability Social & Personal

Faced with the challenges posed by our current modes of production and consumption, economic models need to evolve and new modes of entrepreneurship need to emerge. The social/solidarity-based economy, with its principles of limited profitability and democratic governance, is one of tomorrow's solutions for working within planetary limits while ensuring the well-being of individuals. This alternative way of doing business is part of a process of societal innovation, contributing to the systemic issues of our time.
Moderated by Constance André-Aigret, this round table will bring together Sandy Hugues, Morgane Laudet, Philippe Casse and Kevin Kempter, entrepreneurs involved in the social economy. The speakers will share with us the challenges and opportunities they face in creating the more inclusive and environmentally-friendly world of tomorrow.

Registration closed

Sandy Hugues SSE specialist, author of Nouveaux (r)Et-Si
Morgane Laudet Social entrepreneur, founder of Mega Social Innovation and Mega Social Foundation
Kevin Kempter Founder and head of the Elderli programme
Philippe Casse Founder of OIKOM, responsible communications studio
Constance André--Aigret Coordinator of APRÈS-VD
Tuesday 16:15 - 17:30
17:30 - 18:00

Finance & Sustainability : How to propel non-financial accounting with AI?

Format : Round table

Organisers : Niris SA & Demetrics Sàrl

Language : French

Durability Financing

Get ready to dive into the future of entrepreneurship in the age of AI! Meet the founders of startups Niris & Demetrics, working for efficiency in the fields of finance and sustainability, two sectors that seem distant at first glance... Join us to find out how they manage to bring them together. Learn how to turn your sustainable motivations into success, and how technology can be the key to unlocking your entrepreneurial potential.

Registration closed

Anton Zeller Co-founder & CEO NIRIS SA
Co-founder Demetrics
Jerome Mutschler Co-founder & CEO Demetrics
Co-founder NIRIS IT
Antonio Gasos PhD ETH Process Engineering
Advisor Demetrics
Lucie Maillet St-Pierre Customer Success & Sustainability Leader (former VP Salesforce)
Board Member Women In Tech Switzerland
Tuesday 19:00 - 20:15
20:15 - 20:45
Vortex, Le Nucleo

Wednesday 20 November

Doing business on the web3

Format : Round table

Organisers : Blockchain Student Association (BSA)

Language : French

Financing Technology & Innovation

EPFL's Blockchain Student Association (BSA) is a veritable incubator for Web3 start-ups, with numerous projects and companies created by its members. We challenge traditional norms by promoting decentralisation, entrepreneurship and thinking outside the box. Through our events and workshops, we inform and motivate the next generation to harness blockchain to transform the technological and economic landscape, hand in hand with the many companies that put their trust in us every year.

Registration closed

Darius Foodei Ex-Vice President of the BSA, cofounder of a decentralized money market protocol called Honey, worked for Trader Joe and Gelato Network
Antoine Mouran President and Head of Education at BSA, cofounder of Perspective, developer at Ondefy
Nils Delage Head of IT at the BSA, founder of Metacube a Starknet
Wednesday 09:00 - 10:15
10:15 - 10:45
Vortex, Le Nucleo

Financing: find out about FIT grants

Format : Conference

Organisers : Fondation pour l’innovation et la technologie (FIT)

Language : French


Created in 1994, the Foundation for Innovation and Technology (FIT) offers grants and loans of up to CHF 500,000 for innovative projects and start-ups in the canton of Vaud and French-speaking Switzerland. These grants are open to technological, digital and low-tech projects. Find out more about the terms and conditions of these grants to see if your business project is eligible!

Registration closed

Julien Guex Director and General Secretary of FIT
Wednesday 10:00 - 11:15
11:15 - 11:45

How can you finance your business start-up?

Format : Conference

Organisers : BCV - Banque Cantonale Vaudoise & HEC Espace Entreprise

Language : French


Come and find out about the different sources of finance available for the company you have just set up and how to convince your preferred banker to finance it. This will be an opportunity to get to know Cautionnement Vaud, which could be a decisive argument in your banker's decision.

Registration closed

Eric Meillaud Director of Cautionnement Vaud
Christelle Piguet BCV, Innovation Specialist
Wednesday 10:45 - 12:00
12:00 - 12:30
Vortex, Le Nucleo

Map the System: Understanding the world to change it

Format : Interactive workshop

Organisers : HUB Entrepreneuriat et Innovation UNIL

Language : French

Durability Social & Personal

Want to gain an in-depth understanding of a social or environmental challenge that's close to your heart?💡 Dive into the heart of a complex problem in this participatory workshop, identify its root causes and leave with concrete tools for your studies and professional career. 💬 Come with a challenge in mind or explore the ones we suggest. Get involved for a better world!

Registration closed

Emilie Romon Carnegie Head of Social Innovation at HUB Entrepreneuriat et Innovation UNIL
Wednesday 12:00 - 13:30
13:30 - 14:00

Digital transformation for SMEs and start-ups: scaling up successfully

Format : Conference

Organisers : BearingPoint & HEC Espace Entreprise

Language : French

Technology & Innovation

Dive into the future of business with BearingPoint! Are you looking to give a new impetus to your academic and professional career? Don't miss this conference dedicated to exploring digital transformation and its role in the development of SMEs and start-ups! Through a captivating presentation, we will highlight the key stages in effectively integrating digitalisation into each phase of growth: ideation, conception, initiation, scaling and confirmation. You'll leave with concrete ideas for supporting the digital development of businesses and a better understanding of the tools that can guide their progress. This is a unique opportunity to build your skills and explore how digital transformation is shaping the world of business.

Registration closed

Benjamin Gietzendanner Head of BearingPoint's consulting activities in French-speaking Switzerland - Consumer Industries
Rayan Ait-Mansour Senior Business Analyst BearingPoint
Wednesday 12:15 - 13:30
13:30 - 14:00
Vortex, Le Nucleo

Invent the world of tomorrow, for 11-15 year olds

Format : Interactive workshop

Organisers : Graines d’Entrepreneurs

Language : French

Target audience : 11-15 years old

Technology & Innovation Social & Personal

The mission of the Graines d'Entrepreneurs programme is to pass on the spirit of enterprise and the desire to innovate to the younger generation, and to prepare them for the key skills of the 21st century. At Graines d'Entrepreneurs, we have fun inventing the products, services and start-ups of tomorrow just like a real entrepreneur. You'll have to look around you at the needs and problems facing the world, and then work as a team to come up with innovative solutions based on the SDGs. After carrying out a short survey on campus to test your idea and create your logo, you will have 60 seconds to present it in the form of a pitch and convince others.
For more informations:

Laurence Jovignot-Halifi Co-founder of Graines d'Entrepreneurs
Nadine Reichenthal Co-founder of Graines d'Entrepreneurs
Wednesday 14:00 - 15:30

Start-up financing and Due Diligence

Format : Conference

Organisers : Association des étudiants en droit de Lausanne (AEDL)

Language : French

Financing Social & Personal

Do you have an idea for a start-up or are you already on an entrepreneurial adventure? Whether you're a budding entrepreneur, a curious student, or simply passionate about the world of start-ups? Don't miss our lecture by Maître Max-André Haas on start-up financing and due diligence!
Mr Haas, an expert in the field of start-ups, will share his experience and practical advice on how to successfully launch your business.
This conference will provide you with concrete tools to move forward with confidence in your projects.

Registration closed

Maître Max-André Haas Lawyer, partner at Kellerhals Carrard
Wednesday 14:30 - 15:30
15:30 - 16:00
Vortex, Le Nucleo

Understanding AI, Understanding People

Format : Conference

Organisers : EPFL AI TEAM

Language : English

Technology & Innovation

Matteo’s journey from startup to tech leader. Gain insights to fuel your entrepreneurial spirit.

Registration closed

Matteo Sorci EPFL PhD grad and co-founder of NVISO
Wednesday 16:00 - 17:00
17:00 - 17:30
Vortex, Le Nucleo

Sustainable innovation from the perspective of student entrepreneurs

Format : Round Table

Organisers : Innovation Time & Talent Kick

Language : French & English

Durability Technology & Innovation

Step into the world of sustainable innovation with inspiring entrepreneurs who began their journeys as students just like you! This event offers a unique opportunity to hear from entrepreneurs who took their first steps during their studies and went on to make a significant impact. Discover their stories and challenges in an exclusive dual interview format, where their diverse experiences will reveal insights about sustainable innovation and how to start a business as a student. Following the interviews, engage in an open roundtable, where you’ll have the chance to ask questions, share ideas, and gain invaluable advice on launching your own startup.

Registration closed

Marie Perrin Co-Founder of Reecover
Louis Becker Co-founder of Symactiv
Wednesday 16:00 - 17:30
17:30 - 18:00

Buying or starting a business with 0chf

Format : Round table

Organisers : Graines d’Entrepreneurs & START Lausanne

Language : French


What can you do? At a time when many SME-Small and Medium-sized Enterprise bosses are about to retire, we'll be explaining how you can take over a business or set up your own with very little money left over! For example, the MBO-Management Buy Out, which allows an employee to take over the company in which he or she works... the aid and guarantees available for setting up a business... and the support available.
Come and ask all your questions to our experts in financing business start-ups and transfers.
This event is open to the general public - there's no age limit for starting a business.

Registration closed

Francois Menzel Head of Corporate Banking Suisse Romande Banque Valiant
Manuel Donze Head of SME & Entrepreneur Advisory Services Forvis Mazars
Nadine Reichenthal Co-founder of Graines d'Entrepreneurs
Wednesday 17:00 - 18:30
18:30 - 19:00

Innovating without capital, the power of ideas

Format : Conference

Organisers : Heliste

Language : French

Financing Technology & Innovation

Do you dream of launching your project, but think that without capital it's impossible? Come and find out how BA111OD, a pioneering company, pushed back the boundaries through creativity and ingenuity! As part of Global Entrepreneurship Week, this talk will open your eyes to the power of ideas to innovate. Whether you're a student looking to start your own business or just curious about alternative approaches, this event will give you the practical keys and inspiration you need to get started.

Registration closed

Thomas Baillod CEO of BA111OD
Wednesday 17:30 - 18:30
18:30 - 19:00
Vortex, Le Nucleo

Green Tech: Innovations and testimonials from entrepreneurs and investors

Format : Round table

Organisers : START Lausanne & EY

Language : French

Durability Financing Technology & Innovation

Join us for an exciting event dedicated to sustainable innovation in the entrepreneurial world: ‘Green Tech: Innovations and Testimonials from Entrepreneurs and Investors’. This unique event will bring together key players in the green tech sector, offering a valuable opportunity to discover the perspectives and experiences of startup founders and investors.
Our guests of honour include Margaux Peltier (ENERDRAPE), Sébastien Bron (Yord), Steve Tanner (Ecorobotix), Tanja Markotic (Romande Energie VC), as well as experts from EY, Sébastien Leandri and Miriel Steudler, who will share their experiences and analysis of investing in green technology.
We will discuss the reasons for investing in green tech, the challenges of developing start-ups in this field, and how these innovations are transforming the entrepreneurial landscape towards a more sustainable future. Don't miss this opportunity to learn and network with leaders who are passionate about the green transition and responsible innovation.

Registration closed

Margaux Peltier ENERDRAPE, co-founder
Sébastien Bron Yord, co-founder
Steve Tanner Ecorobotix, co-founder
Tanja Markotic Romande Energie VC, VC Investment Manager
Sébastien Leandri EY, Partner
Miriel Steudler EY, Directrice Climate Change and Sustainability Services
Wednesday 19:00 - 20:15
20:15 - 20:45
Vortex, Le Nucleo

Pitch n Drink evening

Format : Pitch competition

Organisers : START Lausanne

Language : French & English

Technology & Innovation Social & Personal

Get ready for an interactive and highly entertaining evening where daring and spontaneity are the order of the day! At our Pitch n Drink evening, each participant will have the opportunity to demonstrate his or her creativity in an improvisation challenge. The concept? A 2-minute pitch by teams of 3 on a totally unexpected theme (such as ‘turtles’ or ‘selling a nose-care kit’) enhanced by surprise slides, each more hilarious and offbeat than the last! A ranking will be established by public vote, and the winning team will take home some great prizes (e.g. entry to TOTEM, Holycow vouchers, etc.).

Registration closed

Wednesday 20:45 - 22:00
Vortex, Le Nucleo

Thursday 21 November

Social entrepreneurship: how do you set up an impact company?

Format : Interactive workshop

Organisers : MEGA Social Innovation

Language : French

Durability Social & Personal

Dive into the exciting world of social entrepreneurship! Discover the keys to building a business that combines development and positive impact. How can you turn your ideas into concrete action? What business models should you choose? Get ready to change the world, one project at a time! Don't miss this opportunity to make a difference.
A participatory workshop led by Morgane Laudet and Geoffroy Catrice, co-founders of MEGA Social Innovation. After a long career in finance, we branched out to build bridges between the economy and the public interest. Join us on Thursday 21 November to explore innovative strategies and practical tools.

Registration closed

Morgane Laudet Co-founder of MEGA Social Innovation
Geoffroy Catrice Co-founder of MEGA Social Innovation
Thursday 09:30 - 11:00
11:00 - 11:30

Becoming an entrepreneur: the essentials for a successful project

Format : Conference

Organisers : GENILEM

Language : French

Social & Personal

Discover the world of entrepreneurship
You've got an idea, a dream, a lot of energy and the desire to start your own business. But where do you start? Our business development coaches are here to guide you through the first steps.
Following the entrepreneur's path designed by GENILEM, you will discover a tried and tested process that has helped many businesses through the uncertain start-up period to achieve healthy, sustainable growth.
During this webinar, you will hear stories of real, local businesses that have risen to the challenge of creating an offering and bringing it to market. Our coaches will also answer the frequently asked questions from the more than 500 people who come to us each year with an entrepreneurial project.

Registration closed

Christophe Barraud Business development coach at GENILEM
Thursday 12:00 - 13:15
13:15 - 13:45

UCreate Pitchs & Pizzas

Format : Pitch workshop

Organisers : HUB Entrepreneuriat et Innovation UNIL

Language : French & English

Technology & Innovation Social & Personal

Interested in meeting UNIL entrepreneurs and their start-ups? Would you like to find out more about the HUB's entrepreneurship support programmes?
Take part in this pitch session with alumni from our UCreate programme and get inspired in a relaxed atmosphere. The HUB team will be delighted to answer any questions you may have about entrepreneurship.

Registration closed

Anne Liquois UCreate Manager Programme at the HUB Entrepreneuriat et Innovation UNIL
Djamila Zund Co-founder of MyMuseum
Thursday 12:15 - 13:45
Pizzas during the event

Turning Ideas into Assets : Hands-on Workshop for Entrepreneurs

Format : Interactive Workshop

Organisers : PACTT UNIL-CHUV

Language : English

Technology & Innovation Social & Personal

Are you ready to turn your ideas into valuable assets? This hands-on workshop dives into dynamic case studies, showing how students like you can use intellectual property and essential contracts to protect ideas, build partnerships, and set the foundation for a successful startup. Join us to explore the essentials of IP and contracts—and get the tools to bring your business vision to life!

Registration closed

Florence Guth Licensing Manager @ PACTT - Technology Transfer Office of l'UNIL and CHUV
Tristan Gianora Legal Counsel @ PACTT
Jonas Pollard Licensing Manager @ PACTT
Thursday 14:00 - 15:30
15:30 - 16:00

Cities in 15 minutes: Imagine, reflect and innovate for tomorrow

Format : Interactive Workshop

Organisers : Fondation Nomads, EPFL-UNIL Entrepreneur Club , oikos et 4Sing

Language : French

Durability Technology & Innovation Social & Personal

As part of Global Entrepreneurship Week, join the participatory workshop, based on the concept of the quarter-hour city. Through discussions, brainstorming and teamwork, explore future urban challenges and co-create innovative solutions to transform our cities into sustainable and liveable spaces.
The concept of the quarter-hour city is based on the idea that every resident of a city should be able to access the essentials of their daily needs (work, education, healthcare, shopping, leisure, etc.) within a fifteen-minute walk or cycle from their home. This approach aims to create more liveable and sustainable communities, in particular by reducing the need to travel and dependence on the car. It also improves quality of life, reduces pollution and encourages active, environmentally-friendly modes of transport.
A sweet and savoury buffet and coffees available throughout the workshop

Registration closed

Jonathan Buhl International foresight expert, 4Sing
Marie Cuvelier Project Manager, Nomads Foundation
Thursday 16:00 - 20:00
Buffet during the workshop

Doing business while studying

Format : Round table

Organisers : Comité HEC

Language : French

Social & Personal

Come and find out how Paul, founder of Coast.Line, launched his own clothing brand while studying at HEC Lausanne.
It's a unique opportunity to learn more about student entrepreneurship and the challenges he faced in developing his brand.

Registration closed

Paul Vannoye Co-Founder of Coast.Line
David Sarlin Marketing professional
Thursday 18:15 - 19:30
Before at the Perchoir from 7.30pm
Internef 271

Closing evening

Organisers : HEC Espace Entreprise, Le Perchoir Rooftop-Bar et Comité HEC

Don't miss the GEW closing party - 6th edition!

Take advantage of this evening, organized by HEC Espace Entreprise and Comité HEC, to celebrate entrepreneurship and prepare for the Fluo Party, organized by Comité HEC and AEDL.

🍹 Venue & special offers🍺
Join us at the Perchoir Rooftop-Bar, where you can enjoy spritz for 6.- and lager or white beer for 5.- all evening long! To take advantage of these discounts, attend an event during GEW.

🎁 Gift draws 🎉
Want to go home with gifts? Get your participation card stamped by attending 3 events and you'll be eligible for the draw for numerous prizes! Pick up your card when you attend your first event.

The GEW team looks forward to seeing you!

Thursday 19:30 - 23:00
Le perchoir, Vortex (Campus UNIL)